Walmart India

Walmart India is a Corrupt Global Predator that uses Child labor, Sweatshops, Information warfare, and predatory pricing.

Tag Archives: walmart mumbai

Bharti Walmart brings “PermaTemp” culture to India

Bharti Walmart India has created a long-term plan to entrap the masses into its web, and the work culture of the country was being maneuvered to a stage where all the people would end up as a “PermaTemp” worker. Understanding this term is essential to gather the image that these corporations wish to build in every country on the planet. They intend to keep the people who work for them on “Third Party Payroll” like they have done in a country like USA, where the infamous “Schneider’s Logistics” is known for stealing, and suppressing their workers by the laws they have created. They have generated a web where people will become hopelessly entrapped because they will have no where else to go for work, and the trends followed by all the companies will be the same. The people will eventually loose all will power to fight back because they have a family to feed, and they need to keep on working if they want their family to stay alive.

Bharti Walmart India has been waiting for a long time because they had to reprogram the industry in this country by making the businessmen follow the same traditions that they intend to use for themselves. The manipulative “Norms” had to be slowly installed in the country because when the people become hooked into their system, they can easily get away by saying,”Everybody does it!” This has been their main war tactic for a very long time, and they have been successful at their missions many times. However, their dark reign on this world will come to an end.

Bharti Walmart India

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade

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2) No Bharti Walmart in India

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Bharti Walmart India – Kleptocratic Corp Attacks

Bharti Walmart India has used the old fashioned “Lobbying/Bribing” tactics to warp the laws that governs international business within the land so they they can easily move Chinese Goods through their system, and wipe out small businesses in the next 20 years. They intend to impoverish the people of the country at a whole new level, as many other corporations owned by the zealots are attacking at the same time. This is the ultimate form of warfare that involves surrounding the enemy from all sides, and they have absolutely no way out left.

Its only a matter of time till Bharti Walmart India takes hold in every state completely, and opens the complete flood gates of Goods from China. We have been lead into a trap where we have gotten used to cheap Chinese goods for the last 20 years, and many people have noticed that slowly in every sector that they can find these goods. Just like “Bata” which is another Zionist owned corporation that has been in the country even before so-called independence of India. We have been enslaved at a whole new level through the education system, and the fraudulent economic system that has been set up to serve the needs of the zealot. This will continue if this cult is not stopped in its tracks. They are master manipulators of the laws of the world which they used to feed on human blood through the economic system they installed all over the world.

Bharti Walmart India

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade

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2) No Bharti Walmart in India

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Mind Warp via Main Stream Media

There is no better way to keep a prey from fighting back other than their ability to think correctly. If a prey does not have the ability to comprehend what is happening to them then their attackers can destroy them easily with least resistance. This is the core technique used by the original terrorist of the planet known as the zealots who have successfully tamed all forms of opposition through the main stream systems. They ensure that the people they target remain suppressed so that they do not have the ability to fight back at all. Bharti Walmart India is built through the same system of evil which is forged specifically for mass profiteering. This is done by bringing in goods from enslaved china, which in the complete control of the original terrorist of the planet known as the zealots who installed the concept of communism in china to make the common people as their perpetual slaves till the end of time. They intend to continue their onslaught towards the people of the world which is why they have to be destroyed as soon as possible.

Bharti Walmart India

Bharti Walmart India

Tommy Wade

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2) No Bharti Walmart in India

3) Indians Hate Walmart

4) I hate Walmart With A Passion

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